Webinar - Applications of generative AI in the Enterprise

As private individuals we have all used ChatGPT like engines and know its potential, but it is still unclear how it can be used practically in the company. What value can it bring? In which areas can it be implemented quickly?

As private individuals we have all used ChatGPT like engines and know its potential, but it is still unclear how it can be used practically in the company. What value can it bring? In which areas can it be implemented quickly? Applied has defined a number of USE CASEs where generative AI can be introduced into the company in an industrial way while maintaining control, avoiding 'traps', valuing people and investments.

We will start by analysing how generative AI can be applied to a company's document heritage. Using advanced machine learning and language models, generative AI can extract meaningful information from archived documents, facilitating search and access to valuable knowledge. We will also explore how generative AI can support the classification, labelling and automatic creation of new documents, improving business efficiency and productivity.

We will then examine how generative AI can serve as the first support in complex organisations. Companies today face increasingly intricate challenges, such as managing large teams, geographical distribution and information complexity. Generative AI can provide intelligent assistance in optimising decision-making processes and knowledge management, enabling organisations to achieve better results faster.

Join us in this webinar to discover the opportunities offered by generative AI in the areas of document assets, complex organisations and data source interpretation. We will explore case studies, best practices and the latest innovations in the field, offering valuable insights into your journey towards an AI-supported future.


Matteo Zanotti Corporate Business Development Manager - Applied

Alessandro Ruberti Head of Data - Applied


Audio language: IT

Video length: 60m

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