E-learning platform Skillgate

All the training skills your company needs, in one place: advanced, engaging, secure. Successfully meet the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution.

Discover our training program

Accellerate the transition to Digital Transformation

Skillgate is the corporate platform designed by Applied to drive the Digital Transformation of your company.

Discover our training program

Customised courses for your team

You can request a customised solution: together we will develop a project that provides your corporate team with all the resources and tools needed to achieve shared goals

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+18 enabling courses, +200 lessons with real-world strategies and processes

An extensive catalog of courses to choose from which drives immediate change within your business team and helps you achieve your business digital transformation goals.

  • Show all
  • Digital enabling area
  • Mindset enabling area
  • Literacy Digital area

Skillgate acquires and consolidates the technical and managerial skills to lead the company towards digital transformation

Digital Knowledge Transfer

Discover Skillgate's extensive catalogue of training courses. Support and harmonise competence development within your company with customised education courses.

  • Information Security
  • Big Data & Governance
  • Cloud Computing
  • IOT - Internet of things

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